

Cumberland Sausage


6 ounces Pork back fat, minced
1 pound Shoulder of pork, minced
1 ounce Stale breadcrumbs
1/2 slice Smoked bacon, minced
1 pinch salt
1 pinch Pepper
1 pinch Nutmeg
1 pinch Mace






The pork should be boned and skinned. Mix the shoulder and the fat. Add 8 tablespoons hot water to the crumbs. Mix everything together (use your hands), seasoning well with pepper, and adding a generous pinch of both the spices. Fry a spoonful of the sausage to test the seasoning. Fill the sausage casings as usual. Prick in a few places and allow to sit overnight before cooking. ...These are very good baked in a buttered baking dish at 350F until browned. Turn after 20 minutes, and raise the heat if the sausages are cooking too slowly.

The British Barbecue Pit: www.britishbarbecue.co.uk